Week 07 Newsletter – 2/23-2/27 – Complete Gameplay Beta

What we did:

This week we poured all of our time and resources to finish our game beta build. Great news from our Project Tango advisors last week saying that they will be able to host our game on their demo devices at the Project Tango GDC booth; so we decided to focus on creating a reliable virtual reality experience and nailing down the gameplay part of our app first to make sure it’s fun to play. Emily and Ojas both worked on gameplay programming and using NGUI for putting our user interface. Haley created a pixel art style UI to match our in-game art style. And she also worked with John on the game balancing. After GDC, we will continue to develop the room transformation aspect of our app.

Check out our gameplay video here.


The challenges we encountered:

The challenges we encountered:

John and Haley spent a lot of time trying to balance the gameplay time and the weapon/score system. If order to provide a really stable build for showcasing during GDC, instead of letting player go around the room and collect special ammos, we directly provide them all five types of ammos with various amount of them based on how powerful the ammo is. We also added in the saving high scores feature, so people can compete with the best scores on the device.


Plans for next week:

Next week all of us will be in downtown San Francisco for the Game Developers Conference!


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