This week we got our first batch of feedback from faculty and Pamela, playtested our prototypes, and, on Friday, finally picked the prototype we will develop into our final deliverable.
Monday consisted of ΒΌ walkarounds at the ETC. Walkarounds require project teams meeting with one to three faculty members to give an update on their progress and get feedback. Overall, the feedback we got during this process was immensely valuable and reassured us that we are on the right track.
On Thursday, we held our second conversation with Pamela McCorduck, our client. Prior to this meeting, she had reviewed our blog post, so she was generally up to date on our progress. Pamela expressed excitement in our progress thus far. We discussed our prototype ideas and narrowed down the misconceptions that we will tackle in our transformational experience. In addition, we clarified our target audience as well as how our project will interface with her forthcoming book, This Could Be Important.

Elsewhere in the week we playtested our prototypes with our fellow students at the ETC. We had around 10 playtesters for each prototype. To measure our transformational goals, we surveyed our playtesters to gauge their opinion of AI both before and after. After reviewing, the survey results, we determined that the prototype #3, The AI Ethics Investigator, best fit our goals both in its gameplay and transformational ability. We spent the majority of the day on Friday beginning to expand on the design for AI Inspector (working title). Next week we will catch up with our adviser, flesh out the design, and move into production.