Week 10 saw the team continue development of the public surveillance scenario and solidify the game’s overall structure and narrative.
Satisfied with the status of the phone security simulation, the team dove right in to the development of public surveillance simulation. We quickly found out that the time we allotted for the development of the last two scenarios was not large enough. After meeting with our project adviser and ETC faculty member Scott Stevens, we decided to cut the tumor recognition simulation. As a result, our game’s focus is further narrowed down to focus on facial recognition systems.
With this change, the narrative designer finally produced a draft of the script for the game. A full flowchart of the game’s structure was made shortly after the script draft was completed. The flow chart can be seen below. The script for the game can be found in this slideshow.

The team also met with Eunsu Kang, an associate professor at The University of Akron. Eunsu is an artist that creates audiovisual installations and artworks using machine vision. With Eunsu, we did a playtest of our current simulations and discussed the overall scope of the project.
Next week, we plan to progress the public surveillance simulation to a playable state and stitch together the interstitial scenes to create a playable version of our game ahead of playtest day on Saturday, April 6.