Mon, Mar 21, 2016:
1) Half Presentation
We successfully finished the half-presentation, but we were all burned out and sick because of the after-effect of the GDC, so we didn’t have core hours this day, and took a rest.
Tue, Mar 22, 2016:
1) Sprint meeting
We started the new sprint and we discussed the functions and features that have to be implemented into the game. Also, we discussed the framework of the game.
Wed, Mar 23, 2016:
1) Production
We implemented the aim-indicator function to the game and also finished the basic research of face implementation/manipulation function
Thu, Mar 24, 2016:
1) Production
Winnie made user experience flow chart and we discussed it and we start developing the web page for the smartphone controller.
Fri, Mar 25, 2016:
1) Master of Architecture visiting
Ralph brought the student and faculty of architecture department in CMU visited our project room and played demo.
2) Meeting with Tom Corbett
We have a meeting with Tom Corbett and he gave us several feedback about our half presentation. Also, he will set the meeting with Rich Hillman next week and ask us to share our build with him. The feedback from him is as followed.
- We should have sent our presentation to him before we actually presented.
- We focused so much on the progress, not the current issue
- However, quality of presentation was good and prototype was amazing
3) Production
Martin developed pinch and drag function for the photo implementation. Winnie started to develop placeholder image for the smartphone UI. Wenyu implemented cartoon-shader and walking particle effects. Jerry finished the first draft of a class system.