Our client Caterpillar Inc, is developing remote and autonomous vehicle control systems for their heavy equipment. All of that means that they are developing remote control bulldozers. They have already developed a system where an operator can control a vehicle that is in line of sight of the operator. However their eventual goal is to allow an operator to control a vehicle that is potentially hundreds of miles away from their location.
There one specific issue that arises with remote control bulldozers. Once you take the operator of a bulldozer from the cabin of the bulldozer itself, how do you provide that operator the necessary situational awareness of what his bulldozer, the terrain, and what he is doing to that terrain.
This is where we come in. The obvious solution to this problem is to provide a real-time visualization of what the bulldozer is doing to the terrain. Caterpillar has come to the ETC to see what techniques and technologies used by the video game industry might help them enhance and augment the system they already have.
To that end we are providing 3 deliverables to Caterpillar:
- A Real-time Terrain Deformation Prototype
- A redesign of their User Interface
- A cost benefit analysis of various game engines