Testing, debugging and implementing. Flint was preparing the best experience possible for both the coming playtest and the soft opening.
On Tuesday we have all the detailed dimensions of the installation decided and sent out. The builder, Mr Bruce agreed to work on that since 18 Dec, and we tried to prepare as much we could before he began.
On Wednesday we invited Mike Christel again to plan for the coming playtest in Friday. We very much appreciated his comments, because he not only gave us suggestions on how to improve the playtest, but also several nuances that could easily overlook on the experience design: timing! Knowing this, we plan to time different part of experience on Friday.
On Thursday we were informed that a community tour would be in ETC on the morning of Friday. Considering we went to the school between 11 AM ~ 3 PM, we decided to also have these students playtest our experience.
On Friday, when the community tour students came to the room, we noticed that by streaming what was there on the touch screen to the big TV, the observers felt much more involved in the experience; they even talked to the players about how to design a better blade. We love this atmosphere and we decided to test the same thing with the kids. It worked like a charm! We decided to put this in our final TV UI design.
The soft opening is approaching. The team was trying to do the best to deliver a complete experience!