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Week 14 in Flint …

Hi there! On the first day of Week 14 we had the Soft Opening to all the faculties. Faculties came and played our experience, mentioned a lot of feedback, which means a lot of work to do, and we need to commit to it.

On Tuesday the team continued to work on the experience while talked to several faculties about how to improve the experience according to the feedback.

On Wednesday the team talked with the advisor about the plan towards final. We analyzed the feedback from the faculties and decided to work on 3 major improvements: better UX flow, better UI and completed installation experience.

On Thursday the team invited faculties to talk about Physics, playtest and user interface. For the final improvement, the team tried to get detailed information about how to polish every piece of the experience. The team quickly react to that and a new version of UI was implemented immediately.


Previous design – chalk board style


Current design – architectural style, more track of information

The team commit to every piece of the UI improvement on Friday and talked with the client about a final playtest. We planned to test every pieces of the experience and see how kids feel about it. We also need to check the installation and kiosk to guarantee they work as expected.

The team is always aiming at provide the best possible experience, while at this stage, a big challenge will be how to finish as much important improvement as possible within the scope. The team tried to best prioritize all tasks and commit to it.

See you next week!

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