• Week 13 – Newsletter

    Hi, we are team Funival. This weekend, we participated in CMU WEST carnival. The three teammates went to CMU west campus near NASA to show our games to the guests. We had lots of guests there including CMU alums and lots of small kids. It was a good opportunity to see how children react to

  • Week 12 – Newsletter

    Hi, we are team Funival. This week, we are keep developing our duck game called Chubby Duck. Based on the feedback we got from the clients and the faculties, we worked on various shapes of ponds for the Chubby Duck game. We tested the shape of the ponds to find more natural looks. Also, we

  • Week 11 – Newsletter

    Hi, we are team Funival. This week, we started to work on developing our Duck game. We also had meetings to discuss the whole game flow. Since we are creating the whole gameplay consisting two games and a store system, there are lots of UX flow to consider. Below are some of the feedback we

  • Week 10 – Newsletter

    Hi, we are team Funival. This week, we worked on fine tuning our Ice cream game. First, we changed the time bar UI to make it more visible. Now the new UI have clear outlines. Also, we adjusted the mobile controller to increase the sensitivity. Now, players can avoid fireballs more easily compare to the

  • Week 9 – Newsletter

    Hi, we are team Funival. Halves presentation is coming. The team is busy preparing for the presentation. Those are the quick summary of the topics we will cover during the presentation. Also, we named our two mini games. The Ice cream game will be called Scoop God, and the duck game will be called Chubby

  • Week 8 – Newsletter

    Hi, we are team Funival. We finished our Duck game prototype and the reward system design. The new duck game is 2 vs 2 players game. In the each team, one player takes a slingshot to shoot either stones or bread. Another player takes the control of a duck. If the duck player eats the

  • Week 7 – Newsletter

    Hi there, it is our newsletter time! In this week we made a lot of progress. We developed our new duck game idea based on our halves feedback and had a new design for our reward system. Our new duck game will be a 2 vs 2 game. In each team, one player will play

  • Week 5 – Newsletter

    This is an important week for us, because Wednesday, Feb 10th is Carnegie Mellon University, Entertainment Technology Center’s Quarter Walk around. Usually in Pittsburgh Campus, all the student projects will be reviewed by faculty. But here in Silicon Valley campus, we have around 30 guests from EA, Autodesk and our faculty playtesting our projects. So this is the

  • Week4 -News Letter

    Hi, everyone! This is Elizabeth from Funival. This week we kept working on two mini games, ice cream game and duck fond game. As a team, we discussed how we can improve our game play for each games.   Our programmer, Ryan spent lots of time figuring out physics for ice cream scoop. We had an

  • Week2 – Newsletter

    Hey there, this is the second week news letter! In this week, we have narrowed down our ideas to 3 carnival mini games. They are fishing duck game, Whac-a-mole, and making cotton candy or ice cream game. We also got a lot of good feedback from out advisors. All of the ideas have great potential to