Week 15

This week we were keeping polishing our animation, adding cloth simulation and rendering out our updated animated shot. Since we decide to change to Mandarin voiceover in the beginning introduction part , we arranged a sound meeting with our sound designer Hannah to talk about our plan and also shared some feedback we got from our playtesters in terms of sound part.

On this Saturday(Nov. 12), ETC hosted our virtual festival and we were showing our animation during the festival to the guests from different background and also have a fresh eye on our project.

Here are some of the feedback we got during the festival:

  1. Most guests like the art style, the transition, the color palette, the background music and string broken movement
  2. Most guests understand the end of the story but some guests mentioned that the ending could be read as both of Boya and Ziqi dead.
  3. In some shot the camera movement could be improve to enhance the animation.
  4. Different people have different understand on Ziqi drawing mountain shot, and they liked the motion of it.
  5. Guests like the story because it’s cute and sad.

Update on cloth sim:

Ziqi Cloth Sim
Boya Cloth Sim

Our latest render: