Development Story
Speak With Purpose Extended Post-Mortem (Development Story)
Past ETC Projects
Celestia – Sound Pitch
Beyond Interactions – Sound Pitch
CMU Lectures/Projects/Groups/People
Speech Recognition Applications/Academic Projects
EmoEmma: Emotional Speech Input for Interactive Storytelling
Interacting with Virtual Characters in Interactive Storytelling
Project Milo (Jesse talks about this in his GDC talk, too)
Linguistic Fun
Homophone – a word that sounds the same as another but has a different meaning and spelling. (tale -> tail)
Homonym – a word that sounds the same as another and has the same spelling but a different meaning. (bank of a river, bank account)
Unity Word Recognition – on Unity Asset Store for $30.00
Google Android has speech recognition API – example
Dragon SDK- Nuance speech recognition for Windows Apps
Pocketsphinx – open source toolkit for speech recognition (also developed by CMU!)
OpenEars – framework for speech recognition and speech synthesis on iOS apps
- – cleverbot is a text based conversational AI. they finally have an API.
- – Natural Language toolkit for python
- – so there’s that. there are a lot of these things, which is good for us, because they seem specialized (ie one parses a sentence to a “root” keyword, etc.)
Google HTML5 Web API (