We finished our branding for the project! We got together and got an awesome team photo. Big props to Richard for making the poster, the logo, the half sheet and editing the team photo! The branding content is linked at the end of this post!
This week we had our first play test of the combat mechanics and it was a very helpful and interesting experience! A few things we had assumed were confirmed and we also saw some interesting reactions and got some helpful feedback that we plan to integrate when we move on to the development phase.
This week we are working on the board game setup and some movement mechanics which we will be play testing next week with more students. We also have quarters coming up next week and we are gearing up for that.
Following is our Emblem and Logo for the project!
Our Awesome team photo!
Our Poster and Half Sheet!
Joke of the week!
Q. What’s a Pirate’s favorite letter?
A. You’d think it’d be the ARRRRR, but a pirates true love will always be the CEEEEEEE