Project: Take Shape
Week Three Newsletter
Week Three – Branding
Prior to our Quarter Review, a period in which faculty and staff visit each project team to hear their progress, provide feedback and essentially finalize the deliverable, our team is responsible for creating a variety of material in order to brand, promote and spread the word about our project.
On the artistic side of our team Kevin, Dan and Ryan have developed our team logo, poster, half sheet and touchscreen content. Our logo, a symbol that will be present on all forms of media and presentation material this semester, is, at first glance, an ambiguous form that slowly, after fixating on the image, transforms into a cubic object. The idea is that, as our team name suggests, the logo is ‘taking shape’ as our project begins to grow.
Once the logo and color palette was chosen, the rest of our promotional aids quickly developed. Kevin produced our web banner, thumbnail and icon for the main Entertainment Technology Center website which all links back to our individual team’s landing page. Dan made a number of iterations to his poster design which completely stems from our original logo comprised of a single 3D form. The background, foreground and all the small characters throughout (ranging from parrots and turtles to butterflies and squirrels) are all built from the same shape; hoping to tie in the idea of children creating complex forms from simple primitives.
Outside of our project room on the second floor we are in charge of a touchscreen computer mounted in the wall. For this screen, Ryan developed a PowerPoint slide show that highlights our team, our partner (the MAKESHOP) and our mission throughout the semester. This content will be beneficial to the many guests touring the building to quickly get an understanding for what will be taking place in our project room. On a secondary level it is a nice addition to the interactive nature of the Entertainment Technology Center.
Kai-Hsin and Sean worked together on our website to generate content and added in the design elements discussed previously to make a robust site filled with information surrounding our project. Throughout the semester this will be the center for all updates regarding prototyping, play-testing, presentations within the ETC, overall development and our weekly newsletters, such as this one. Due to the rapid development process our newsletters will only cover the main topics of the current week and week to come. For more information on detailed projects or play tests we will be updating our website’s blog page to provide more in depth procedural content.
In the coming week we will be narrowing down on our deliverable as well as meeting with our adviser and client once more prior to quarter walk-arounds. A small, five minute presentation will be prepared to quickly highlight our project’s goals and design ideas, leaving the majority of our fifteen minute time slot open for direct feedback and insight.
More to come soon!