Week 14 Newsletter

One week from soft opening! We are on even tighter schedules.

On Monday, our advisers pointed out that the turning test tracks we designed in the previous week have more left turns than right turns, which may cause the lack of balance. Therefore, Feiran and Angela designed new turning and combination test tracks as well as fixed some minor problems of the test tracks. In addition, Angela created the last combination mission track in Houdini.

Eric kept working on the data design and test. By the end of the week, he has finished designing and testing all 24 models of pure turning and jumping tracks. So players can clearly tell the difference in performance between a turning can and a jumping car.  The minor difference is also fully tested, such that certain customization cars can perform better than the others. For instance, a wider car can handle turning better than a thinner car within the turning category, but it will not be able to finish the level of jumping which can be easily finished by the jumping car with the same size.

Christiana worked extremely hard and got 24 models of turning and jumping categories. Aiden put all of the models into the game with proper configurations and wheel attached.


Feiran experimented with the Logitech wheel controller and found out that there was no standard way to integrate the controller into the game engine Stingray. On one side, Logitech doesn’t provide sdk in Lua, which is the language used by Stingray, on the other side, Stingray doesn’t have support to this kinds of controllers. Feiran found out that there could probably be some hack way to achieve it but the achievement before soft opening is not guaranteed.