Vis Viva Week 10:
This week we received feedback about our halves presentation. The primary concern from the faculty
was how we are going to get the physical installation built and what purpose it serves in the experience.
We ordered several parts on Monday and are already starting to receive them in the mail. We will be
implementing and testing with these as they come in.
This week we worked on making improvements to our game to get it ready for playtests on Friday and
Saturday. However at the end of the week, we felt that there were still some pieces that were not yet
implemented and we decided it would be best to move the Friday Playtest forward to Monday so we
could spend Friday getting the other components working clearly.
After spending the day testing our game ourselves and seeing exactly where the holes were, we
prioritized a list of fixes for our game that our programmers worked to fix for the playtest on Saturday.
We will see how the students respond during the playtests and will spend next week polishing the game
as needed. We will also be meeting with our contact at Elizabeth Forward who will assist with the
fabrication of our installation.