Week 1

Week 1


The semester has started and our pitch project, “Project Voyage” is finally under way. The idea started with a spark from Sharan. He heard that the Cornell School, a high school in the Pittsburgh area, acquired a bunch of Google Daydreams and Pixels, but didn’t really have anything to do with them. Sharan wanted to combine the power of VR (great immersion, but somewhat isolating) with the power of the classroom (collaborating with your friends and working with the teachers). This turned into the idea to create a multiplayer VR experience for the classroom that we will integrate into the Cornell School at the end of the semester.


For now though, it’s all about prototyping! We’ve decided to do one week sprints in which the team would develop small prototypes to push us further into understanding what we want to make our final experience. Sharan will be testing the networking capabilities of the Daydream; trying to connect it to a PC, iPad and Gear VR. Rajeev will be stress testing the Daydream to see how complex or simple we need to make our final experience. He will also be figuring out what apps are already on Daydream and how successful they are. Nayeon and Nicky will be developing avatars for the VR space. We’re trying to figure out what people will most identify with most when inside our experience, and how they would want to customize it. I’ve been doing research into field trips, and trying to find ways to bring the idea of the field trip into VR.


Until next time!