This week, we finished the all elements of the game experience. We’ve implemented all three unique phases for our first level, with block sets of obstacle patterns that have been methodically designed to provide the maximum amount of fun for players. We’ve also added all the obstacles for each of these phases. Finally, we have also implemented an interactive tutorial to replace the image-based tutorial that we had in our previous prototype, which we hope will be more effective in helping players quickly learn how to play the game.

Shot Promo Video 

We have shot and started editing the promotional video which introduces the product and the team. It will be up on our website next week so please take a look when it is uploaded!

Next Week 

Before Thanksgiving, team West-Turn will be doing intense internal playtests, where we will play the game and talk about what’s done right and what should be fixed quickly. Thanks to the team, we are in a good schedule and the product is looking very promising and fun. Let’s go team West-Turn!


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