Meet the Team

Meet the Team

Danny (Chien-Kuo) Kuo


Danny is a programmer mainly in the area of games, web development, and artificial intelligence. He enjoys researching human behaviors, philosophy and how computers can help him understand the world better.

Ram Iyer

Programmer / Producer

Ram is a software engineer with a deep interest in gameplay programming and machine learning. He is looking to explore how machine learning and games can be brought together and the various practical applications that can result from this.

Siqi Wang


Siqi is a software engineer studying at Carnegie Mellon University. He has experience in the game industry, solving problems in various fields like performance optimization, game engine, computer graphics, tool engineering, AR/VR, etc.

Ziheng Xiao

Game Designer / Programmer

Ziheng is a level designer. He is passionate about narrative-driven level design. He is also interested in narrative design and combat design.