Week 4

Finalizing the plan

This week was about getting organized for the team.  We are have been finalizing all of the storyboards from a general concept storyboard to the actual shots we want to get in the final film.  We have also gotten our final list of equipment approved and hope to get everything in the coming weeks.  Locations wise we are still using Pat’s mom’s office but are scouting some other backup locations as well.  We are looking at office buildings around the ETC and also some space at the main CMU campus.

On the tech side of things we have been playing with Facebook some more.  We have been testing out the photo manipulations on compositing facebook photos into a film shot.  We have also been playing with compositing and Alex was able to successfully edit different shots together to make one.  So for example, a shot starts with Frank entering a door and shouting Hey!  The camera then pans over to Frank sitting in his chair asking, “What?”  It looks really awesome.   This shows that we can use one actor to play the various suits.

We will be preparing for our quarters presentation to the faculty to show them what we have planned for the rest of the semester.  They will also give us valuable insight and feedback on how to refine our ideas.  We will be creating a short film to show how we can use Facebook in videos to show the faculty during quarters and will also make this available to Anti-Flag.

Newsletter 2-8 (PDF Version)

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Week 3

Diving In

This week the team just dove right into the project.  The team was able to finalize the script at the beginning of the week which helped us finish the storyboards for the meeting with Anti-Flag.  We will go over the storyboards and get Anti-Flag’s feedback and make the adjustments to finalize everything.

We also have mapped out what our semester schedule looks like.  In the schedule we have decided that shooting will be the last week of February (Feb 24-Mar. 2).  Reshoots will be done the following week if any are necessary.  With the shooting locked in, we have also begun our casting search looking out to local talent and all universities within Pittsburgh as well as pinging familiar resources.

Next week will be working on finalizing the casting, and locations.  While this is going on, we will also be putting in the orders for all the props and equipment we need.  Facebook will be a main priority as well, more specifically, seeing what our limits are when it comes to grabbing information and manipulating that information.  Thanks for coming in and meeting with us.  It was very great and we’re more pumped than ever to make this an awesome experience!

Newsletter 2-1 (PDF Version)

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Week 2

Getting Acquainted

This week had an overall theme of getting acquainted. From our initial meeting with Jesse Jones, the manager of Anti-Flag, to experimenting with the new equipment we will be using to film, it was a week of familiarizing ourselves. This week we were able to scout an office that we will be using for the filming portion. Delta Development (where Pat’s Mom works) has been gracious enough to lend us their office to use as the main office for the film portion of the experience. With that crossed off the list we have begun focusing on casting as well as prop gathering. This week we were also able to storyboard half of the film portion along with creating some concept art for characters in the game.

We also have been familiarizing ourselves with the ETC’s new camera we will be using by taking some test footage. It films in slow motion so we have had way too much fun filming mundane things and seeing how awesome they look in slo-mo (i.e. playing with water too much.) Taking the footage we shot, we then have been testing the editing and compositing in After Effects and Premiere. We are learning how to composite logos into a shot and how we can manipulate someone’s Facebook photos.

On the tech side of things, the rapid prototyping phase has begun. We have been testing an HTML5 game engine known as Construct 2. Frank and Himanshu have been getting familiar with making games with this engine. The team has been researching games in general by playing games and dissecting what exactly makes them fun. We are also playing with Facebook and will finalize what information we actually want to pull for the experience.

Next week we will be working on finalizing all the storyboards and script for the film portion. Along with this we want to finalize our schedule so we can set dates for filming and make sure everyone that is needed is available. Game-wise we want to start making a rough prototype of how our gameplay will work and start pulling information from Facebook and working it into some test footage. We are looking forward to Anti-Flag visiting the ETC!

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Newsletter 1-25 (PDF Version)

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Week 1

Kickoff Week!

Amalgamedia has been getting settled into it’s new project room at the ETC.  Amalgamedia will be producing a transmedia experience for the band Anti-Flag.  This week we established team roles as follows:

Patrick Shore: Producer
Alex Loughran: Director
Frank Hamilton: Technical Director
Chen Yang: Editor
Simeng Yang: 2D Artist
Himanshu Vartak: Programmer

We feel confident that with our powers combined, we will create an experience unlike anything anyone has ever seen.

This week we have been finding our groove and finding out how we work together as a team.  We have come up with how we want to brand ourselves, poster art, and a tone for the experience we want to convey.  We also have a very rough storyboard and timeline laid out for the film portion of the experience, and a rough estimate of how long we want each part of the experience to be.  Research includes current transmedia experiences and also video games.  Specifically we have been looking at what makes these things fun and successful, in hopes that they may guide our own vision.  The team has also begun location scouting and figuring out casting for the film.

On the technical side of things, Frank and Himanshu have been figuring out some tips and tricks with HTML5 and Facebook interaction, which game engines will work best with HTML5, and specifically what would be the best option for actually hosting the experience.

Amalgamedia is very excited to start working on this project for the semester.  We want to create an experience that not only engages an audience but makes them want to come back for more.

Newsletter 1-18 (PDF Version)

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Welcome to Amalgamedia!

Amalgamedia is a semester long project at the Entertainment Technology Center at Carnegie Mellon University.  We are hard at work on updating our website right now, check back for more updates!

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