Intermediate: The Intermediate

In this video, we are going to make a “trade with the guard” game. You give the guard a book and you will get a key to unlock the door to the next room.

First, let’s set up the scene. Drag the background image to the canvas. In the property panel on the right side of the canvas area, name it room 1. Now let’s add a door, a guard and a book to the scene. We also need to put a key behind the guard. To do that, drag the key over the guard in the canvas area. Click yes if you want to put the key behind the guard. In this game, the guard is a container for the key. You can check what’s inside a container by clicking on the container and checking the property panel on the right.

Next, click on the “Add New Scene” button to make room 2. We also need to give it a background image.  Now we have added all the scenes and objects we need. We can now start to make connections in the puzzle editor. Click on the puzzle editor tab. We need to make three puzzles here. The first puzzle is to pick up the book from the floor. The second puzzle is to get the key from the guard by trading the book for the key with him. The third puzzle is to go to room 2 through the unlocked door.

Let’s make the first puzzle. The goal is to get the book. The way to achieve that is by picking it up directly. Click on the “Looks Good” button.

Now let’s make the second puzzle. The goal here is to get an item. The item is the key, and the way to achieve that is by trading with a character. The character is the guard and the object is the book. Click on the “Looks Good” button.

Now let’s make the last puzzle. The goal here is to go to another location. The new location is room 2. The way to achieve that is by entering through an entrance. The entrance is the door and it’s locked by the key. Click on the “Looks Good” button. When the player goes to room 2, the player wins. So we need to set this puzzle as the winning condition in the puzzle editor area.

Great. Let’s click on the play button and play the game.