week 5

This week ArchiTek presented the process and got a great number of feedback from faculties. Before quarters, we designed an interactive online quiz system, aiming to replace the quiz currently on CMU blackboard.

Faculties gave us various suggestions, which could be summed up as follows:

 ralph   3d printer–brain

         3d–brain: where do we come from this idea? Which things do we come from? Duolingo (should show demo photo)

Reorder question , ask question in different ways positive, negative,

More examples, is the question template general enough to be applied to many questions.

What is our frame, how to make the system

Don’t want to know details but since it’s himself: how the whole system get delivered to her

My Andrew :  web saml based system api!    Shavel let use Andrew system idenety will always be same—Andrew id


Branda:   what research have done? No remediation system.  !!!Quia!!!  


A little difficult – assessment   are u trying to go specific questions, or more generalize ….  Try different template in different area questions.    Like student creating questions for each other.

Oli courses assessment

Should have a meeting with dave talking about data analysis!!


Does Not know much about our project     

Glasslab using games to valuing(simcity)



  1. Is moodle expendable
  2. Akili games opponent really good
  3. Student can make practice and share   

Help friends pass the quiz.



Are we making a software? We will use sth based on moodle

Social power!!

Jack game   all quizzes    

Very challenging , badge or avatar may not work

Clear interesting quiz, if student can create question for each other, may be really motivating , use social opponent


Susan :

Is she teaching gis or arcgis

Remediation may work well! Key stuff!



Lost of the concept.

Young student are motiving by game. But a class like this is not motivated by game

What are risks?



Seems like a quiz

Thinking stages are pretty good

Don’t know if averter will work

Social questions!!!

Reputation—who can come with good questions.



Where does the badge and avatar come from?

Measuring success is good.. it feels safe. Less creative.  


Art woman and an old guy

Sherly :


Badge won’t work

Old man:

Edward tufte, how to present distribution   tufte

Grocery loyalty card.   —- everything you buy is in database. You can predict outbreaks. When you have cold.

Anonymous grade rank

Badge won’t work.



Is client wants to make a additional quiz after taking normal quiz?



Original one is boring. R we creating a tool?  Like social media

Everyone has to write a blog . Other has to post a comment . Is it good?

After watching a video, post something so that you will get score, if not, lost score.



Puzzle game decision point-→ different result happen …social media may be great. Avatar system simple



However, the faculties mostly focused on these problems:

How can we help teacher better assess students’ behavior?

How can the new quiz be self-motivated effectively?

How can the quiz be more interactive?

As a result, we changed our direction a little after communicating with Mike and Kristen. Redirecting to a narrower topic about map design, we manage to improve one certain chapter instead of the whole exercise book. In terms of the chapter of map design, we throw away the assessment and self-motivation parts. Nevertheless, we are making a much more interactive tool to enhance students’ map design skill. The core problem is still that students feel bored and some of them are not scoring well. However, we are not going to replace the quiz but find other ways to reinforce what should be learning. That is to say, we are creating a tool with technology.

After finding the new path, we made new demo for map design chapter, which showed what we could do about the mechanism and how initiative we are. The next step will be discovering what we are about to do. We are talking with Kristen and her TA about grading keys and students’ GIS projects assignments.
