Week 3 (Sept.12 ~ Sept.18): Exploring

In the third week, we met with a lot of people that have their unique insights about the project. Throughout the first several weeks, we have some concerns about the limit of this project. For example, how good are the wireless connections in the stadium? Some sources indicate that the connection is pretty bad, especially with tens of thousands of people.

First, we came out with a new idea: playing with seats, this includes a modification of mafia game, with a football theme: instead of killing each other, the goal of the game is to get a goal, audiences are assigned to roles, and in order to get a goal you need the teamwork from other teammates. Besides this one, a enhanced version of Mexican wave is also proposed: the application can be a way to organize and activate a Mexican wave. Audiences can customize, say, change the color of their seats in order to form a picture/word in the application. In this way we bring a tighter connection in the connection.

We met with an IOT expert from CMU, he talked about his insight on the project, especially on what else we can do besides the ideas we already have, for example, use the walls of the stadium as a big interactive screen, and allow the audience to draw in real time on the screen. Also he likes the trading card ideas we proposed before, and suggest a real-time voting system. Besides specific ideas, he also said we can look into what people have done with concert. For our biggest concern, the connection. He said actually most stadium has pretty good coverage of cellar signals, as well as all sorts of wireless connections, so it should not be a concern when we develop the application.