Week 4 (Sept.19 ~ Sept.25): Researching

This is the week of research. For an application like this, knowing the audience is the first and the most important step.

Thus we went to the sports bar and talked to the fans. From them, we became aware of some fan cultures like tailgating party before the match. Also, since Pittsburgh is a sports city, we are able to find a lot of faculties that are super passionate into sports. They told us about how their moods change before, during and after a game. They also introduced us a game most American people played during school time: one person tries to make a goalpost with hands, and the other one “kick” the “football”(usually a pen cap) into the goalpost.

Also we started to arrange the tour to Heinz Field, Pittsburgh, as well as trying to get a ticket for the Steelers vs Chief game on Sunday, Oct.2nd. However, before that we’ll go to sports bar again and trying to interview more people.

As a research project, we started to write our research proposal, and to arrange the overall structure our research paper.