On Monday, the team talked to Shirley regarding the progress of the game and changes which were being to keep her up to date. The team also made aesthetic changes to the robot art assets which had made the final cut to be used as the characters in the game. Ruchi worked on the new UI required to be made based on the theme and the paper prototype test which had been done in the previous week. The team also held a productive design meeting to discuss how the scoring system would work based on gameplay. The team also discussed how the overworld would look aesthetically and the programmers were clarified of how they should work for getting the implementation done.
On Tuesday, the team did scrum planning for the game to have the most updated build with the deadline being set for Friday just a day before playtest day at the ETC on Saturday. The designers continued testing to find out which is the most optimized art assets and UI which could be used for the game. The programmers implemented the decided scoring system for the game and the level editor the designers was also completed. Elaine also worked on making a flowchart for the entire experience of the game from start to finish, which also highlighted the various UI, animation changes and sounds that would be required. The designers also met up to discuss camera movements as well as kept on working on perfecting the UI.
On Wednesday, the programmers finished implementing the entire gameplay and overworld that would be required for the playtest on Saturday. They began contacting the designers for integrating art assets and UI. The tutorial levels were also redesigned using the level editor. The team also began searching for the sound that matched the theme. The sound was basically divided into 3 categories: ambient, feedback and background music.
On Thursday, the team began working on animations that needed to be added into the game like shooting animation and transforming into rampage mode animation for the player, stun animation for the enemies as well as the dying animation for all characters. The programmers continued working on integrating the art assets and UI into the game. The designers continued to churn out more tutorial levels and these levels are integrated into the code for the game.
On Friday, the team integrated all the sounds and music that was found on Wednesday into the game as well as finished integrating the levels into the game. The producers called Dana to update her about the progress of the game as well as how the team is doing in general. The producers also worked on setting up both the paper and digital survey for the playtest the next day. By the end of Friday, the game was ready with no bugs and was built onto the four iPads which were going to be used for the playtest.