We’re presenting our progress for halves! In order to consolidate our ideas for the halfway point of our semester, we needed to showcase some demos of our technology and gameplay. Since we had drastically reworked the design from last week, we created animated mockups of how our experience would look from a player’s perspective to clearly communicate our game design.
The idea was to have one Scotty moving across the board in a Snake-like fashion. Blocks placed by the player would spawn new dogs, which Scotty would then go and collect (just like Snake!), forming a conga line of dogs, like a party! Additionally, certain blocks would create either distractions or aggressors for the conga line of dogs, cause the party to momentarily stop (because of being chased by bees) or resumed (because the bees got distracted by the flower).
Tech Demos
We also wanted to showcase what we’ve been developing over the past few weeks, so here are two videos – the first one showcases the depth capture of the LEGO on the baseboard, and the second one shows how we can capture the color data of certain blocks placed on the board!
Art Progress
Our 2D artist also helped create some clearer diagrams to explain what we were doing on the tech side. The diagram we used in the halves presentation shows how we capture the depth and RGB data separately, and then combine them to recreate the digital world.

Additionally, to convey the idea of the conga line of dogs being a party, our 2D and 3D artist created some concept artwork:

Since we are now fixed on working with the projection mapping, our 3D artist also created a walking animation for Scotty that would work well with the top-down view.
We continue to work on the 3D modelling assets of students and dogs, and look towards next week for feedback on our presentation from the Hunt Library team.