Thoughts from Festival Visual difference in bullet size and colour of circle/range to imply boost in strength when you build tallerAlso make it liquid instead of bulletsVisual difference between zombie...
Week 15: Revised Gameplay: SAVE CARNIVAL! Objective: transform the invading zombies back into students through a combination of pathway blocking/redirection of the horde and building of turrets that shoot books and...
At Softs we received a lot of negative feedback on our experience which was fair given our game and detection both still had big issues. While we iterated on different...
This week for gameplay, we created a new iteration of the game to help create rules that are easily Baseboard zones on side (parking lot style)Objective is to corral students...
This week we reviewed the playtest results from last Thursday and Friday to determine how the experience design should change to reflect our design goals. We noticed that a map...
This week we broke down our vision for the next three weeks (before Softs) into sprintable chunks of development. Our current gameplay iteration involves no LEGO baseboard (a flat interactive...
This week was focused mostly on getting feedback from a variety of playtest groups, namely the Hunt Library team as well as visitors from the ETC-organized Playtest Day! We wanted...
We created a physical set-up for our LEGO interactive experience using a miniature projector and a Kinect 2 camera sensor hanging from a makeshift stand. We are looking into options...
We're presenting our progress for halves! In order to consolidate our ideas for the halfway point of our semester, we needed to showcase some demos of our technology and gameplay....
Art Progress Our artists created a concept art for the narrative driving our game, which was a zombie student and Scotty helping to get coffee to save the student. Game...