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Monthly Archives: October 2010
The Heavy Metal Project
Our client Caterpillar Inc, is developing remote and autonomous vehicle control systems for their heavy equipment. All of that means that they are developing remote control bulldozers. They have already developed a system where an operator can control a vehicle … Continue reading
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Why Remote Control Bulldozers?
So why is Caterpillar developing remote control bulldozers? There are actually 3 reasons why they are doing this: First and foremost is safety. As you can see, these vehicles sometimes operate in hazardous and dangerous environments. Removing the operator from … Continue reading
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What is Terrain Deformation?
So one of our main goals this semester is to do real-time terrain deformation, but what is terrain deformation? A simple explanation of terrain deformation is moving the terrain up and down within our virtual environment. It is however, more … Continue reading
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How does a bulldozer deform terrain?
How does a bulldozer deform terrain? Terrain deformation for this project is not enough. We have to deform it the way a bulldozer would change terrain in the real world. A bulldozer actually does this in very specific ways. There … Continue reading
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