Adam Liss is a game designer with a particular interest in scripting and technical design. Mechanics and game feel are very important to him, and he loves working with the code until everything “feels” right. He comes from a video production background, and loves games with unique story and style.Cheng(Aaron) Li is now pursuing his 2nd master at Entertainment Technology Center. He has enjoyed all types of board games, chess, and video games especially role-playing games since an early age and dreamt of building his own games that would entertain and educate the audience. His career goal is a position where he can effectively utilize his expertise in both artistic work and engineering.Vivek Kotecha is a graduate student at Entertainment Technology Center at Carnegie Mellon University. He completed his undergrad from Gujarat Technological University as a Bachelor of Engineering in Information Technology. He aspires to be a game programmer and have his own studio in the future. Besides games, he is also interested in Hold’em poker, soccer and tennis.Qiaochu(Mac) Li received his Bachelor of Science degree in Peking University. His Majors are Computer Science and Psychology. Now he is pursuing his Master of Entertainment Technology degree in Entertainment Technology Center, Carnegie Mellon University. He is a Game Designer mainly focusing on System and Mechanic Design. His design philosophy are: Concrete mechanics, strategic options, and fair playing. Portfolio: http://qiaochuli.comXiaolin(Emily) Liu is a graduate student at Entertainment Technology Center, Carnegie Mellon University. Previously, she studied digital media technology at Beijing Language and Culture University and has a passion for 3D Art. After she came to ETC, she focuses on programming and technical art and hopes to be a technical artist in the entertainment industry.Eric Tsai is a programmer interested in both gameplay programming and game design. To improve himself, he enrolled in the Masters of Entertainment Technology at Carnegie Mellon University. He has previous experience in both software and web development from his time at Symantec and the University of Virginia. You can find more information @ www.ericktsai.comJimit Bhalani is a graduate student at Carnegie Mellon’s Entertainment Technology Center. He majored in Information Technology and started developing games during his undergrad days. His interests are studying Algorithms and applying them in games and general software development. He also wants to build a solid foundation in Computer Graphics and Parallel Programming in the near future. His focus is on learning new things everyday and becoming an efficient programmer. Portfolio :