We spent the first half of the week finalizing and practicing our halves presentation. We also ran a playtest last weekend, and got some good feedback on our latest prototypes. Our presentation went quite well, but there’s still a lot of work to be done. The new computer and motion floor have been installed, but they haven’t been tested yet. The computer and Kinect 2 seem ready to go, but the motion floor is having some difficulties. Since Playtest Day is next week, we have decided to mostly focus on working with the Kinect 2 for now. For the interactive journey, we’ve decided to go with a medieval theme. For our more game-like demo, we decided to go with a puzzle game Mac came up with. We originally planned on using Myo with it, but we want it to be easy to set up and use so we decided to opt with the PS Moves instead. Our next steps will be putting together rough versions of these demos that we can present for Playtest Day.