The Team
Co-producer / Visual Designer
Matt is in his final semester at the Entertainment Technology Center. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Film Studies from the University of Pittsburgh. Matt has background in film production and post-production will be going into the film industry after graduation. On the project he will be using his skill set to help organize the project as well apply his knowledge of visual aesthetics and effects to make The Grid a visually rich experience.
Kaiyang Zhang
Co-producer / Interaction Design
Kai is a designer from China and he is interested in creating Multi-player experience. In the Grid, he is the co-producer and interactive designer for the team. Kai is looking forward to making a contribution in the project for Chicago Museum of Science and Industry with all the talented teammates.
Visual Design
Kevin received his undergraduate degree in Visualization and is now at the ETC to pursue a career in location based entertainment. He is a visual designer on the team hoping to bring an enthralling visual and graphic aesthetic to the interactive experience. He wants to ensure artistic consistency across the design and the experience.
Visual Design / Interaction Design
Eric received his first undergraduate in Economic, Management from Tarumanagara University in Jakarta, Indonesia on 2005.
He went to US in 2006 to further pursue his passion in game design. He received his second undergraduate in Computer Graphic from Oklahoma Panhandle State University on 2009. Now, he pursue his master degree from Entertainment Technology Center, Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh since 2011.
Hardware and Technology Design
Ricardo is a first year student at the Entertainment Technology Center. His passion for technology started when he was very young and conducted him to get a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science. After a few years working as an IT consultant he is pursuing his dream of a career on the entertainment industry.
In the project, he is leading the research and design of the technology that will be used to support the new exhibit about energy of the Museum of Science and Industry in order to provide the visitors an amazing learning experience.
Shirley is the Director of Creative Services and a member of the Faculty at the Entertainment Technology Center. Shirley has been at Carnegie Mellon for most of her adult life. In the early ’70s, she was a student in the School of Drama where she studied Theater Administration. She returned to the School of Drama in 1990 and continues to teach classes in Producing for Television and Film and master class workshops; she has also taught classes in “Creative Enterprises” to students in the Heinz School Master of Entertainment Industry Management Program.