Hi everyone!
Team CryptoKnight welcomes you to an insight on what we are going to be doing for the next 15 weeks.
The team consists of –
Peilin (Producer)
Guangya (Artist)
Himanshu (Programmer)
Lotus (Programmer)
Rajat (Designer)
Ramya (Programmer)
Who are we ?
We are a 6 membered interdisciplinary project team at the Entertainment Technology Center at CMU. The project is a part of our curriculum and spans across a full semester. Our project’s client is CMU’s Cylab and specifically the ‘picoCTF’ team inside Cylab lead by Megan Kearns (Project Lead on picoCTF’18) and Maverick Woo ( Tech Lead on picoCTF’18).
PicoCTF is a cyber security competition conducted by CMU’s CyLab for middle and high school students.<https://picoctf.com/> The competition aims to
- Expose middle/high school students to the field of cyber security
- Lead them to learn and explore the field
- Encourage them to pursue further education in this field
- Identify best talents among the participants who are already good at it
So what are we going to build ?
We have been tasked with the responsibility of gamifying the entire competition. We will be building a game around the questions that an another team of CMU students from SCS (known as the Problem Development Team) will be coming up with. We would also be working closely with Maverick Woo for technical aspects and Prof.Martin’s educational team up on main campus.
Summary of this week’s overall tasks:
- We claimed our project room! And set up our desks and computers
- We had our very first client meeting on Thursday
- We read through archives and post mortems of two previous picoCTF projects that happened in 2013 and 2014
- We kicked off our brainstorming session where we addressed
- Team Introductions
- Peilin set up project management tools and discussed workflows with the team
- Coming up with a team name
— Ramya