Category: Brandon
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Dailies by Brandon —
Comments Off on Dailies 2-23-11
- Worked on figuring out how we’ll connect to UNH for video conferences
- Team photo!
- Scheduled process grade meetings
- Hosted anthropology student from Pitt
- Talked with Andrew & Navjot about the new interface design and how to refine the mechanics of our present games
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Dailies by Brandon —
Comments Off on Dailies 2-22-11
- Sent lots of e-mails. Scheduled video chat with Joe and Elaine, as well as team pictures since we don’t yet have one
- Scheduled process grade meetings
- Researched political assassinations for further details from which to draw for our ballistics scenario – I think we can use both the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II and the attempted assassination of France’s President Chirac as inspiration
- Started writing up some details on the scenarios we discussed
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Dailies by Brandon —
Comments Off on Dailies 2-21-11
- Advisor Meeting
- We had a lengthy meeting about scenario. We primarily discussed in detail the scenario for the first two games (those that we already have prototypes of) and worked out some key details and additions to flesh out those games. We will talk further about the other games on Wednesday, but several of us had pitches and/or other obligations later in the afternoon.
- My pitch and Game Design work took my late afternoon and evening.
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Dailies by Brandon —
Comments Off on Dailies 2-17-11
- Wrote a lot of e-mails
- Big meeting about where to go from here in light of quarters and yesterday’s CT trip
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Dailies by Brandon —
Comments Off on Dailies 2-10-11
- Did some user testing/playtesting
- Arranged travel to CT for next Wednesday
- Edited PowerPoint for Quarters
- Discussed changes based upon playtesting feedback
- I gotta say, the team was really on fire today!
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Dailies by Brandon —
Comments Off on Dailies 2-9-11
- Worked on PowerPoint for Quarters
- Worked on design documentation for fingerprinting game
- Did Quarters rehearsal with Shirley/Scott
- Wrote text for instruction/training screens for both games
- Arranged a visit to the Henry Lee Institute for next Wednesday, 2/16/11
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Dailies by Brandon —
Comments Off on Dailies 2-7-11
- Worked on documentation
- Had weekly meeting/discussed Quarters
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Dailies by Brandon —
Comments Off on Dailies 2-4-11
- Visited Calgon Carbon for a tour and reference material for lab work. Very interesting, and we got some good pictures.
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Dailies by Brandon —
Comments Off on Dailies 2-3-11
- Day mostly dedicated to Game Design class and a doctor’s appointment in the afternoon
- Sent the Wecht Institute a proposal for our visit
- Queried Elaine about hardware: they will purchase the hardware, but would appreciate recommendations from us
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Dailies by Brandon —
Comments Off on Dailies 2-2-11
- Did more background research for level 2 evidence collection game
- Spoke with Phillip Sauter, a local animator who has worked with crime scene modeling before
- Attended Drew’s producer workshop