Archive for January 19th, 2011


  • Found some music reference for CSI.
  • Found some sound effects for gun.

Dailies 1-19-11

  • study unity
  • try several unity example

Dailies 1-19-11


  • Finished first draft of our Project Poster
  • Finished first draft of our Half-Sheet front
  • Nearly finished draft for our Half-Sheet back; currently awaiting project description
  • Finished project Logo
  • Finished draft for project Web Banner


  • Continue website updates
  • Expand upon Level 1 game design

Dailies 01-19-2011

Action items performed today:

  • Created examples scene in unity.
  • Looked in to unity reference manual for scripting
  • Discussed the possible directory structure for the project files
  • Designing interface for first level with placeholders assets

Dailies 1-19-11

Talked to most of the team that I am volunteering for pipeline/work flow monitor position for the team.

Originally, we were trying to go with Unity3D + Perforce to design our project. After speak with people from team Unity, Andrew Gartner and Steve Audia, we’ve got the message that Unity3D and Perforce is not a good combination.

Both Andrew and Steve mentioned about Unity3D’s asset server. I will take a look in to that and expecting to have a full evaluation report for pipeline and directory structure on Monday. Thankfully, we are still in early stage of production. There are only couple assets we plan to build now. And thanks for Arvin to model those, which I am expecting to join the assets creation or pre-viz once the pipeline is set.

Dailies 1-19-11

Today I did some work on the project materials due next week, particularly the project description.  I also did some additional topic research and read through the materials Scott sent to the project groups this morning.  We also made a few organizational decisions about the project.


  • We had a meeting at 1:00pm, having more idea about level 1 of our game. We decided to do gun pattern & finger print as our level 1.
  • Getting more idea and concept of our game, I started to think about the tone and feeling of music. I think I will do something more realistic. And I’ll start to find more reference this week.