Archive for February, 2011

Dailies 2-22-2011

  • Unwrapped Prints scene, including, table, fuming chamber and wall.
  • Successfully experimented the generation of ambient occlusion texture maps for the scene. Though the process takes more time, it will enhance the realism of the 3D environment

Plan to finish texturing the environment and creating a rig for animation tomorrow


  • Had a meeting with advisers, reported our field trip and quarter.
  • Had a team meeting. Discussed about more details about our games. We have more common view toward our game.

We want to make two mini games first: ballistics and finger print. Each of them has three levels.

Dailies 02-22-2011

Action items performed today:

  • Started work on adding more scene and easier difficulty levels to game on ballistics
  • Constructed a new scene for multiple choice type game play in unity

Dailies 2-22-11

  • Sent lots of e-mails.  Scheduled video chat with Joe and Elaine, as well as team pictures since we don’t yet have one
  • Scheduled process grade meetings
  • Researched political assassinations for further details from which to draw for our ballistics scenario – I think we can use both the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II and the attempted assassination of France’s President Chirac as inspiration
  • Started writing up some details on the scenarios we discussed

Dailies 2-21-11

  • team meeting to talk about scenario
  • add glow effect.
  • make a fume chamber and camera animation

Dailies 02-21-11

Had an advisor meeting and long team meeting. Yet figure out what our primary scenario is. Maybe too much of game play design? Feel that we need to step out our next step as soon as we can.

Starting to re modify Arvind’s gun for animation use. Using x ray style like iron man like in movie.

Dailies 2-21-11

  • Advisor Meeting
  • We had a lengthy meeting about scenario.  We primarily discussed in detail the scenario for the first two games (those that we already have prototypes of) and worked out some key details and additions to flesh out those games.  We will talk further about the other games on Wednesday, but several of us had pitches and/or other obligations later in the afternoon.
  • My pitch and Game Design work took my late afternoon and evening.

Dailies 2-21-2011

  • Modeled Fuming Chamber
  • Modeled new environment for ballistics game

Dailies 2-21-10


  • Advisor meeting
  • Story and Scenario meeting concerning ballistics and fingerpinting games
  • Researched layouts for multiple choice style gameplay


  • Mockup multiple choice layouts
  • Work on new UI design concepts

Dailies 02-21-2011

Action performed today:

  • Discussion of story and assets with the team
  • Few ballistics assets finalized