Archive for February 23rd, 2011

Dailies 23-2-2011

  • Textured Fuming chamber
  • Textured Other prints scene elements – background wall and table
  • Rigged fuming chamber door case

Plan to import assets into scene tomorrow and generate animation

Dailies 2-22-11

  • change UI to fit with new concept
  • make camera animation
  • change logic to fit with new concept

Dailies 2-22-11


  • Created interface for multiple choice questions in Ballistics game.
  • Delivered assets to server for Navi to implement


  • Work on refining user interface style for all games
  • Team photo

Dailies 02-22-11

A well productive day for me. Done modify modeling, firing animations and shader materials setup in Maya. It was still rendering when I was left by midnight. Hopefully we can take a look at what it will look a like today and modify from there.

yet to do, bullet to tank sequences.