Team CSI stands for “Crime Scene Innovation”!!! Alright, finally everyone from the team is on board, not that I am the last one but I felt really bad that I missed lots of mini meetings because my conflict of schedules.

Anyway, first thing first. We had a conference call with Dr. Lee who is kindly to spend his 30 minutes lunch time with us to talked about visions he has. The results are similar to what we address in last week’s meeting (which I wasn’t able to attend). We’ve another meeting with team members this afternoon to go over with everyone’s note and everyone’s research about this project. It had been a very productive day as a team.

Tonight’s assignment, research for “Phone records cross matching technique and etc.”.

Next meeting is at 1pm, thanks for everyone arranging their schedule to match mine. Thanks guys, I’ll re-arrange it too. 🙂

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