- Finished the Ballistic animation sound effect.
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Action items performed today:
- scene divided in to 3 parts and the 3 areas for evidence collection.
- Dynamic field of view setting using scripts
Action items performed today:
- Animation of camera in 3rd game using scripts
- Set up of the scene for 3rd game
- Modified camera movement animations further for 3rd game
- Discussed with programmer and made more environment design decisions
- Modeled laptop chord asset
- Discussed with programmer and created animations for camera movement aniations for scene 3
- Retextured bowl in fingerprinting game
- Recorded dialogue for finger print game.
- Fixed the theme music.
- Edited dialogue for animation.
- Started texture work on room assets
- unwrapped several assets in the room
- Composed the music for game.
- Had adviser meeting followed by a detailed team meeting
- Decided on the scenario of the crime and the specific evidence to be recovered
- Created more assets for room
- Drew figure storyboard for CIS promote video.