- Hosted guests
- Worked on fingerprints text
- Contacted a few people about playtesting in the future
- Scheduled process grades
- Received bullets from Elaine!
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- Modeled textured and animated fingerprinting tape
- Unwrapped microscope model
- Worked on unity to update some assets in the ballistics scene
Will finish texturing assets tomorrow
- Created and delivered new assets for Prints Game
- Adjusted some assets for Ballistics Game
- Playtest #2!
- Fix any additional bugs
Today is a busy BVW day for me, due to the presentation that BVW class is having tomorrow. Most of my time was used to make sure tomorrow’s class runs smoothly as we possible can.
Personally I have request a license to use The Foundry Nuke for our animations that we are creating. Thanks for Shirley and Scott to approve that for me.
- Identified remaining changes to be made for Wednesday’s user test
- Design meeting regarding Game #3
- Advisor meeting with Shirley and Scott
- Submit all changes for Playtest
- Refine finger print game
- Change assets of finger print game
- Team meeting with advisors
Action items performed today:
- Meeting with team advisers on progress of project and playtest
- Team meeting for brainstorming on 3rd game
- Finalized opening interactions for navigation
- Had team meeting regarding third game
- Had faculty adviser meeting
- Finished modeling comparison microscope
- finished modeling brush
Will texture these assets tomorrow
- Finished text for Ballistics “Learn More” buttons and gun descriptions
- Met with the team to discuss Game 3 (Crime Scene) in greater detail
- Started contacting people about playtests
- Attended Anthony Daniels’ seminar to improve my mic skillz
Received Dr. Lee’s comments about the animation. Have pretty good idea what to do for gun firing animation and smokes.
Still think what’s a good way to show the transaction from water scene to microscope comparison.