
700 Technology Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15219

Week 12: Rush to Softs

Week in Review With our soft opening just a week away, we  spent much of the last seven days rushing to  ensure we had a polished product to show  faculty and get their feedback before we ship  our exhibit to Texas. Part of the rush was figuring out just how we  would get our exhibit […]

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Week 10: Fixing the Story

The Week in Review As most of our team returned from a week in California at the Game Developer’s Conference (GDC), we found ourselves working hard to prepare our interactive storytelling exhibit for our first full playtest (scheduled for this Sunday at the Carnegie Science Center). Part of this meant performing a little triage. GDC had taken it’s toll […]

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Week 9: Halves

Week in Review For our team this week started with a big event: Halves. On Monday afternoon we presented our project, our work to date, and our plan for finishing on time with a great project to program faculty and other students. As one of only two public presentations of our work, it’s kind of a big deal. Since our project, […]

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Week 7: Overcoming Obstacles

Week in Review Thanks to faculty input, this week we leapt over an obstacle that might have put us in a lose-lose scenario, helping us lock down other design choices and putting us on track to have a prototype ready for half-way presentations. To meet our client’s goal of having kids feel inserted into the stories they’ve created, we had planned […]

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Week 6: Going to Texas

The Week in Review We spent most of sixth week in San Antonio, Texas, where had an opportunity to run three playtests with different demographics. After three days of Texan warmth, we returned to Pittsburgh with a better understanding of what our interactive storytelling experience is really about and a taste for springtime. We began our trip with a tour the […]

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Week 8: Interface Iteration

Week in Review As we moved toward halves presentations, Week Eight saw some major milestones in both the digital and physical components of the project. We spent much of the week refining the user interface for the installation based on feedback we received from last week’s client call. The original UI concept made use alternately […]

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Week 3: Honing In

The Week in Review In our third week, we shifted from broad brainstorming to a developing a more narrow proposal for a “story creator” for six to 10-year olds based on our client’s feedback. Early in the week, we received feedback from our clients, the San Antonio Children’s Museum and Argyle Designs, on a presentation we had given the […]

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Week 1: Setting Up

After returning from a trip to the West Coast, our six-person team set to work designing a new story creating exhibit for the San Antonio Children’s Museum. This exciting first week was filled with setting up, blue sky brainstorming, and establishing expectations with our clients, the San Antonio Children’s Museum and Argyle Designs, a designer […]

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