What did we learn from Usability&UI Test?

November 7, 2011 in Articles

Team DynacTiV had the second test this Wednesday. The main aim is to test usability and user interface. We want to find out how people feel about controls, including political party selection and thumb up or down to vote, also if the UI is clear and easy to understand. We had 14 play testers, 12 of whom did after survey.

Check out our demo videos here on YouTube!

[DynacTiV] UI Play Test on Nov.2

Following are some of the valuable feedback we got:

About UI
Average rating: 3.3
It’s about even, some are confusing and some are clear. There are still lots of space for progress. Here are some notes of what we are going to take effort to change.

  • Removing redundant UI to make the view of actual show larger.
  • Screen looks too busy, be simple and efficient.
  • Vocal instruction together with text would help with initial directions better.
  • Hard to find Independent logo at first, only highlight useful choices.
  • It took me a second to realize I had to hold for longer to confirm my selection.
  • Filling up shadow may not be a good way for confirmation of gesture control.
  • People have variable gestures under vague instruction, like “reach and hold”. Need to provide them graphic instruction, show them gesture with image.
  • Voting bar needs to be larger, make it clear where is neutral, top and bottom, so people can know this represent their behavior accordingly.
  • Voting bar should be right next to my shadow.
  • Both filling up shadow and voting bar needs to end with strong feedback.
  • Have 5 states of agreement/disagreement, because I only want to vote if I really like or dislike. Five states can be: really like, agree, neutral, disagree, really hate. We are going to stress the top and bottom point.

About Control Experience

  • The effective region for gesture control didn’t map with UI so well, that it made people feel like they need to stand up to reach.
  • Once people see their silhouette, they want to see their thumb when they vote too. So they start to do voting by the side of the body. Our system only registered in front before.

Some Other Feedback

  • How do we respond to the feedback of “closing the gap”?

We’ll host two Close Loop Test on Nov.16 and Nov.18. The way to close the loop is to have a moderator of a political debate, rather than the individual performers read all our data while they give the talk. We’ll pick 2 debate video clips, edit them, and control on production side which videos to play based on the feedback we get from the audience.

  • Try to target our play testers to older group who will watch political show.

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