We are at the halfway mark. We spent the weekend and beginning of the week wrapping up our two prototypes, House Symphony & Rolling Ball game, and preparing for the presentation on Wednesday. We also worked on the user interface of the website for the streamer and the mobile application for the viewers. This was based on the wire frame design that was developed by our designer in week 7. On Monday we had our second playtest where we tested both of our prototypes with our colleagues from ETC. We got a lot of suggestions and feedback on both the strengths and weakness of House Symphony and Rolling Ball game.
You can watch our halves presentation here:
Some of the questions that we got during the presentation and our responses are as follows:
- What is the maximum number of viewers that can play our game in Twitch?
- Our plan is to to focus on Twitch streamers with less than 1000 average concurrent viewers
- How to validate and filter the sounds uploaded by the viewers?
- We are focusing on the collection phase and cross-validation is a stretch goal for our project
- Why should the streamers play our game?
- Our game caters to the viewers by displaying their names on the screen and also by improving interaction between the streamer and the viewers. Twitch streamers are interested in attracting more viewers to their channel and community experience of our game is a huge motivation for the streamers to play.
Some of the feedback and concerns we got from the faculty after halves presentation is below:
- Clearly defined requirements and purpose : GWAP (game with a purpose) that uses Twitch for audio sample collection in the home
- Do more tests with real streamer and at least 10 viewers
- Recording and uploading sounds has to seem like play and not work
- Using templates to save the streamer time to set up an experience is a good idea
- The back and forth walk through of the experience with Charley and Jingya was very strong
After reviewing the results from the halves presentation and the playtest, our team decided to move forward with Rolling Ball game. We did a design brainstorm session later in the week to talk more about Rolling ball game.