The first thing that our team did this week was deciding a name for the experience. Everyone had a lot of suggestions for the name and after voting, we decided the name to be “Rolling Rhapsody”.
The main goal for our team this week was to get ready for an online playtest. This meant that we had to get the user interface and the back-end connection completed to connect between mobile application and the Unity game. The sounds recorded using mobile application has to be uploaded into the server and then used in the Unity game. Our programmers worked really hard to get this done before the playtest.
The next step was to determine a date for the playtest. This turned out to be harder than expected since it was an online playtest and we had to pick a date when most of the play testers were available. For this we sent out a google form sign up sheet and based on everyone’s availability, we chose to playtest on Saturday, November 16th.
You can watch the Twitch stream during the playtest here: