Hi, all
It has been a productive week, we finished our script, storyboard and created the entire prototype based on them.
This week we continuously worked on the script and storyboard.
There were about 5 rewritings of the script. The script was proofread constantly. After the phone meeting with our clients, we received some feedback about the wording. Clients mentions that the positive feedbacks such as “sweet, you are such a great friend” should be avoided, and the game should use the exact wording when asking the trauma symptom questions. As a result, the script turned out a lot more straightforward and even little less natural, but we had to make sure kids have as minimum distraction as possible. In addition, another version of script where there is no trauma related questions were also created due to a possible playtest to an elementary school but the playtest for the school did not happen.
We also worked on the storyboard to rework the introduction and how the mechanics were taught. We had another discussion with the client after which we decided to rework some of the characters. The mechanics of the game, especially during the question phase will also be converted to tap to make it reliable and consistent. The final storyboard with the design plan should be finalized by next week.
We converted the different emotion states into Mecanim animations in Unity. These different animations affected the eyes, eyebrows and shape of the mouth to denote different emotions of the character. These states would be called via triggers based on the dialogue being spoken by the character. The emotion states combined with the lip sync brought more life to the character.
This week, we experimented with some simple frame animations and are optimistic about adding more. This should help make interactive objects and characters stand out and add appeal to the app but 7-11 year olds. After speaking with our clients, we also have decided to put the characters we have so far to the test in front of some 7-11 year olds. We plan to make some alternate characters (especially alternates to the sand character, like a starfish or a seal) and do a paper playtest before 1/2s. We will move forward with the most liked character, whoever it may be.
This week we added more visual effects to the software through programming. One is the effect of constant moving sea waves that rises and falls through time;
Another one is a bubble particle effect to serve as a transition scene between our story lines.
We also added a little interaction in the beach scene. When you touch the sea, a small water splash particle effect is generated (similar to the dolphin splash). Later, we might also want to add more interactions with generating/poking bubbles in the deep sea part.
Apart from visual feedbacks, we integrated all the 4 interactions of question into the prototype and made a complete experience based on the script we have on Monday. Though we need some change in different parts, the production framework is complete. On programming side, we just need to focus on making further improvement on the game quality.
We are preparing for 1/2s as best we can, since we will be apart for both spring break and GDC. We feel confident, though, because we will have a rough prototype and hopefully two different playtests to show. We know our story will change when we implement the new character, but no new mechanics will be added and we have had the same questions all along, so we should be in good shape to focus on refining after the week of 1/2s when we have our final script.