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Week 6

  • General


This week we were able to get our scrum board up and running! We are trying out the scrum process to minimize distractions and set clear goals of what we plan to accomplish. This week, we really needed to push to get our prototype done. We will continue pushing for that next week.

We have a stronger sense of what the workshop may entail now. We are planning to create a digital experience that will allow workshop participants to see specific bystander approaches to mitigating unfavorable networking situations. We would also like to create a physical game that can be played between digital game sessions to give workshop participants a chance to practice networking tips they have learned and some of those mitigation techniques.

This week our game designer Brendan made a storyboard for our digital game. Our design is now solid enough to program into a playable prototype. Currently our programmers are working on designing the system for the game so that it can house all of the functions needed.

We are taking two approaches for the digital experience this week.

Golden Spike

We attempted to follow what we learned in Building Virtual Worlds class during our first semester and make our first golden spike ( for teamwork!). Our lead artist gave a 3D asset with all of the needed materials and animation to our programmers to add to the game. This gives us the early opportunity to to see where in our pipeline we may need to adjust to be more efficient later.

Fail Fast Follow the Fun

We’re also trying to fail fast and follow the fun (FFFF) by ,making a prototype as quickly as possible.

The progress on the digital prototype is that we are making the basic structure of our game so that it can accommodate the different functions we will require of it. Tackling the toughest aspect first, we are working on networking. So far, this has been a challenge.

Our designers are assembling physical prototypes of both experiences to create scenarios for the digital and balance the physical, so they can be playtested.