This week has been an amazing whirlwind. We are catching up on things we have been planning the entire semester but that got swept under the rug until now.
Activity 1 – Pieces of Me
For this activity we have gotten it to a place that we’re really happy with. We have some minor edits to program in, here at the end of the week, then we will be done with this application.
- we will be doing some simple art swaps for the characters shown with the 4 questions to add needed diversity
- we will be iterating on some small text edits for clarification
- we will be changing the game to fit within most screens and no longer be fullscreen
Activity 2 – What Would You Do?
We’re finessing animations in our activity 2 application and adding in additional scenarios that we had written and made animations for earlier in the semester. We decided to cut down from our planned 6 scenarios to 3 or 4 in the interest of polishing what we have and fixing some bugs.
We are:
- changing the font used
- adding in missing info for up to 2 more scenarios – finishing them up one at a time
- making bug fixes
- updating some UI elements
- adding in some more diversity of skintone
Activity 3 – Co-Design solutions!
This activity has come together nicely. It is the more sharable and more low-tech activity of the 3, being run entirely via conversation and Google Slides.
- adding in some more visual title screens
- finessing the look of the instruction slides
- adding in reaction elements like those used in Pieces of Me
- writing facilitation documentation so others can run this in the future
Workshop as whole
We are gearing up for another workshop, the final one of the semester. And we are giving ourselves a couple more days of prep for this one but it is also the final test.
We are:
- sending out massive quantities of one on one messages to recruit participants
- writing the facilitator manual
- creating a tech test that will also act as a tutorial for using Zoom
- creating the necessary transition slides for the workshop
We’ll be running the workshop Tuesday April 28th, and then we’ll have a couple days to polish the recordings from that as well as our documentation and iterations to share out during our final the following week.