- Discussed the Art requirement and core vision of the project.
- This week, I wanted to set up groundwork for our production practices through the semester. We accomplished a few administrative tasks for the week including meeting with advisers and setting up a weekly meeting time, coordinating our schedules, exchanging contact information and communicating with Steve Audia for equipment and software requests. On Thursday we had a team meeting to talk about production goals and outline a semester schedule, and I formalised our discussion along with some other important information into our production primer, which will be useful as a reference throughout the semester. One of the challenges will be ensuring that team members are on the same page, since we have very different schedules. Next week, I hope to have digital project management on JIRA set up by Steve and start our daily Scrum and weekly planning meetings so that we can get organised and start working. I would also like to get a better idea of what we can hope to achieve by quarters and plan accordingly.