Bringing Seth Glickman on board for music composition and sound design. We’re so lucky to have him!
Created the first cut for the Start Screen.
This week, I continued to build out the final puzzles and work with Akshay and Kshitij to get the final puzzle functionality in. I continued to iterate on puzzle usability based on feedback from playtests. As we move towards softs, I want to keep the puzzle layout flexible so that we can incorporate any faculty feedback with minimal effort and lost work.
Observing a science lab class at David E. Williams Middle School, thanks to Jason Ruscitto and Justin Aglio.
Created application loader which manages scene transitions
Added pause functionality which works with the application loader
Created main menu, credits and pause screens
Integrated art assets for these screens
Cleaned up animation code for character’s abilities. Now the abilities cannot be spammed between animations
Checkpoints now spawn bursts of particles and change their texture when discovered
Got pressure electronic gates working
Better feedback for pressure – the dial changes color over a gradient to show the direction of pressure change
Implemented locking & unlocking animations for temp & pressure electric connectors
Created explodable objects. Using rigidbodies and explosive forces, we can rip objects apart such as the bridge in the opening scene
It was a slow production week due to Thanksgiving break. I think I need to be clearer about priorities with the team, and get back on track with Scrum and meetings. Nevertheless, this week the team worked on the build for Softs, and communicated with Seth about sound and background music. We had playtests and visits at David E. Williams Middle School and Montour High School, and were impressed by the facilities at Montour High School. I worked on the Transformational Game Development Document this week that outlined our insights on designing games for the classroom. There is a lot to be done before this is a complete product and I am worried given the little time left in the semester. It will be a challenge to reprioritise, set limits on development time and communicate clearly with the team what cannot be done.
Developing a plan for the upcoming weeks to Softs based on playtest feedback.
Worked on new “Floating Molecules” collection art
Made an electronic temperature meter
Concept for electronic gates that open at specific temperatures.
This week was rather painful due to me being taken out of commission by two separate illnesses. We’re currently scrambling to finish the finishing touches on the game but I think we’re getting results as far as application in the classroom. The number of playtests that we’ve done so far has allowed us to zero in what the problem areas are and we are currently working to address them.
Implemented new “falling zones”, which are areas where the camera follows the player more closely (such as during large drops and when the player moves upward quickly). This allows you to “look ahead” when moving fast through these zones
Added the explosive property, which allows containers to explode when their pressure exceeds maximum value
Added an explosion which can be customized for different size and duration
Implemented auto-save & load, which tracks the player’s current load zone and saves the corresponding checkpoint. When the game is started it loads the last checkpoint. This data can also be erased by restarting the level.
This felt like a slower, less organised week because Kshitij was out of town, but we did make some progress and learn some useful information. We had a playtest at Trinity High School and one for 25 Hubbard Middle School kids who were touring the ETC. That was the first time we tested in a roughly classroom setting, the Cluster. This showed us that students were very interested in the collection mechanic especially when it came to competition between classmates, and frequently grouped up in groups of 3 or 4 around a single player to discuss the puzzles. We also got some feedback from Dave Culyba on our temperature gates and gears, and on how to work towards a final deliverable. At Trinity, we gained insights from Mr Botzer on how to ask the assessment questions, and what teachers would need to bring our game into the classroom. We also brought a group of teachers from Montour to visit the ETC, and held a roundtable discussion with them about our game and how it relates to teaching. We will playtest at Montour School District at both the middle and high schools on Monday. Next week will be short due to Thanksgiving and we still have a lot to do especially with documentation and archiving before Softs on the following Monday. I’m anxious this will get overwhelming in the last week, and the team will have to work closely together to figure out our priorities.
Playtesting with students in a classroom-like setting is certainly a different experience. We found that students tended to form small groups and strategise how best to play the game. Students also enjoyed the collection mechanic and were very competitive with how many they had each collected.
Worked on the first pass for the electronic gates.
Was part of 4 playtests. Collected valuable feedback.
Looking back on this week I’m astonished with the number of important events that happened. Our four playtests spanned three different schools and many different demographics which has given us really solid data on how the game is performing on both engagement and learning. I’ve handed off the evaluation portion of this project to Cheryl-Jean in order to give myself more time to create puzzle content for the game. Our asset pipeline has me making all the puzzle assets which is fantastic because the designer should be making these decisions but it also means that I really have to step up and work extra to make sure our game has enough high quality content. This week and for the remainder of the project I will resolve myself to create lots of high quality puzzles. I refuse to let any outside distractions pull me away from this goal as has been the case in previous weeks. I can tell the team is a bit worried about the number of puzzles in the game and I absolutely won’t let them down. We’re very lucky to have a group of unusually dedicated 1st year project shadows who have submitted some really great puzzle ideas to us for incorporation into the game. I have already made a few puzzles based on a mechanic proposed by Eric vonFischer who is one of our shadows. As with every week, I am proud of this team’s morale and dedication to the project. Crunch time is looming; we stand ready.
Avonworth Middle School students playtest our game (in the hallway!).Mr. Haskins from Avonworth Middle School was kind enough to invite us to playtest with his class, and it was important for us to have teachers to play the game, not just students.
Added 3D UI art assets into the game with their animations.
Implemented a UI switcher, which is an invisible button that lets you switch between multiple UI types on the device
Programmed color gradient change across the temperature gauge to make it pop more
Added checkpoint restart trigger boxes
Made crankshaft system generic so any object can be rotated or translated via the controller
Worked on making the particles look more like a gas. Tried out some secondary particle emitters, will pick one and add it to the game
Went to 3 playtests, collected feedback
Upon reflection, this has probably been one of our busiest and most productive weeks, despite the nasty cold bug that inflicted our whole project team. We had four playtests, one with EDGE girls aged 14-15, one at Avonworth Middle School, one at Elizabeth Forward High School, and our regular Trinity playtest on Friday. It was great to see a larger range in demographics due to the different schools, and we gained some interesting perspectives from the students as well as the teachers.
We continue development with a specific focus on feedback from playtests and faculty. This week, we approached Jesse Schell about some questions regarding the reward/collecting system and he gave us some great ideas about how we could tie the rewards and collecting items back to learning. I coined a system a couple of weeks back where we write down actionable items on stickies, group and arrange them by priority, as part of our sprint planning. This has been effective and well-received by the team, and having a visual representation of our tasks on the whiteboard cannot go amiss.
The biggest insight this week was into assessment. Mr Botzer of Trinity High School has been instrumental in iterating on our assessment for learning, and using his technique, we were able to get the students to discuss and describe the concepts of temperature, volume and pressure far more willingly and eloquently during our playtests. Mr Botzer is the perfect fit for this project. He’s a great asset to our team and I’m pleased with our partnership.
I am a little concerned about the amount of content we still need to get into the game (puzzles, UI,etc.) and while we could iterate forever, it is difficult to call the stops so that we can focus on other important parts of the game and assessment to complete them by the end of the semester. We will also start thinking about developing our lesson plan and collecting our insights into transformational game development over the next week. Scope remains one of the trickier parts of production for me, and I want to keep our plan realistic and not overwhelm the team with too many playtests or extra activities over the last stretch of our project.
Overall, I feel like our team’s momentum has increased, and having the whole team at our Friday playtests was a great motivator for continuing to work hard on this project to the end. I will be putting extra effort into taking care of my team over “crunch” time and thinking about priorities more during this time of the semester as we wrap up.
Updates on assessment for learning from Mr. Botzer.
Partner teacher Mr. Botzer plays our game at yet another 7AM Trinity High School playtest.
Worked on mechanical 3d models (Crankshaft) & its animation
Made new meter system, which now rather than being a UI element are now attached to the system.
This week I continued to build puzzles and iterate on feedback from playtests.
We found that one of Entropy’s strengths is driving discussion and collaboration, especially when two students share one device.
Added new “focus area” feature of camera waypoint system. Defines an area of focus for the puzzle that will always be rendered on the screen. If the player moves within the waypoint, the camera still pans but keeps the focus area drawn on screen.
Wrote a new custom particle system. The in-built system was costing a performance hit and couldn’t calculate collisions fast enough to keep all the particles within their container. Those problems were solved by writing custom particle collision & movement logic.
Optimization: Implemented zone-based loading and unloading. When the player enters a “load zone”, the gases in that zone are started up while gases in all the other inactive zones are stopped. This means the engine only has to calculate collisions for particles inside the active zone.
Implemented checkpoint system. Once a player enters a load zone, if they have to restart to the last checkpoint, it sends them back to the last checkpoint flag.
New floating joystick. The left thumbstick snaps to the finger position on the device, making it much easier to move the character without having to look for the thumbstick on the screen. Our playtests showed the new controls to be easier to use.
Tweaked character “weight” for movement and jumping. The character feels more solid and less twitchy now. His jump, movement speed and capsule colliders have all been adjusted after lots of trial and error. I think this has made platforming easier so players can concentrate on solving puzzles.
Particle slow-down/speed-up is more obvious
Added rewind button to work with the checkpoint system.
Implemented crystal collection ability
Implemented inventory system and crystal collection UI
This week, I felt quite overwhelmed with the number of things we wanted to accomplish and with planning for next week. I was also doing some academic work outside of the project that came to a head this week, which took up a lot of time and prevented me from getting as many project tasks done as I had hoped. Working on anything other than the project makes me feel stressed out and guilty, which, now as I am typing this, seems rather silly and is a probably a by-product of the project taking over my life. On the bright side, one of the positive things that came out of half a semester of production is that the team is embracing JIRA. I couldn’t be happier about this as it has made our tasks a lot clearer and a lot more visible to each other.
While working on many polish and iteration tasks, I wanted to focus this week on two playtests and showing the game to a handful of faculty to get feedback. One playtest was cancelled, but we did manage to show the game to Dave, Jesse, Ralph, John, Drew and Jess Trybus, who were all very helpful and had a lot of interesting and useful insights. We also playtested at Trinity High School on Friday, which was incredibly useful as this was our first playtest with a pre- and post-test. Mr Botzer gave us a lot of feedback and many suggestions for assessment for learning. We hope to iterate on assessment as part of our playtest. I am still in the process of typing out all the notes from these meetings and playtests, which I hope to have done by next week.
We also met with our first year project shadows this week, and spoke to them about the project process. Some of them have expressed interest in coming to playtests or helping with design tasks, which could be useful for the project as we are a small team.
Next week will be focused on more playtesting and reaching out to a wider test base as suggested as halves. We’re going to have four playtests, one specifically with girls, and two at different schools (Avonworth and Elizabeth Forward), to address concerns raised at halves and get a better idea of how the game is performing for other audiences.
The team is on board our JIRA board, which is a win for this producer.Mr. Botzer reviews and critiques our first attempt at assessment for learning.Mr. Botzer plays a key role in our iteration not only on the game, but on assessments for learning, and gives us lots of information on how teachers ask questions to draw out learning.Back at the ETC, we invited Ralph Vituccio to stop by our project room to play the current version of our game. At least Julian looks like he’s enjoying himself, perhaps at Ralph’s expense.