After 1/4 walkarounds, Team Epiphany were all ready to move on to prototyping.
Our programmers, Albert, Kiran and Xiao, started testing our main mechanic, the rope. They tried 5 different solutions in order to get the best rope physics for the game. Test contents cover a lot of aspects, such as how the ropes work, whether it can support elastic deformation, how textures look in game, if it looks smooth when bending and how the collider and rigidbody work on the rope.
We gathered thoughts on art style from each of the team member. We went through two rounds of concept art discussions. In conclusion, we were hoping to apply color theory to render the mood of the game, and to avoid specific subjects in foregrounds and backgrounds.
The challenge now is for our game designer. Yue was working on completing our game design document. She has already had several ideas for “help” situation in Level 1, and the next thing she will focus on is to develop those ideas until they fit in the epiphany.
Playtests should play an important role throughout the process of the development of our game. We’re planning to conduct our first playtest next Friday.
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