This week, Team Epiphany entered the production of Level 3. It has been hard to keep up with highly intense schedule, but everyone has tried to present the best work as always.
The design in Level 3 was crucial for the emotional journey we would like players to have. We had a lot more discussions about Level 3 than the previous two. At the weekly advisor meeting, our advisors made us realize that we should stick to a simple and clear design style, which proved successful. On Wednesday, we did presentations for 3 groups of guests. It was fulfilling to see that guests were enjoying playing our game. With not much time left before playtest, our team dedicated ourselves to achieving the milestone.
The theme in Level 3 is loneliness and independence. At the end of Level 2, the two avatars were separated by a spike. They had to start their own journey as shown above. The first phase is about memories when they recall how they worked together to get all the stars. The second phase is about meeting new ones who might have interaction with the avatar. The third phase is the reunion.
On the playtest on Friday, we presented the ending to our players for the very first time. 5 pairs of playtesters in all participated. The average playtime for each level is shown below:
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
The total game play time met our goal.
Our team had a meeting right after the playtest, we decided to do one iteration on Level 3. The purpose is that we can try out more ideas since the team had different opinions to the ending. Meanwhile, Level 2 still has some problems remaining to be solved and we will keep working on polishing it.
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