This Week’s Client Meeting
Week seven started with our weekly client meeting during which we presented a revised prototype. While similar in appearance to the previous, significant under the hood changes have ocurred–recoding major components to be more extensible. This prototype also includes a function that allows multiple vehicles to be assembled simultaneously, with vehicles waiting in a queue for processes to be performed on them. Additionally, we discussed with our clients the status of the networking component of the project and the possible backup plans to address the situation. These include deploying a virtual machine and, at worst, not having our product accessible from within the GM network.
Production Continues
This week continued our prototyping process as we recoded some large components of the project and included numerous new features. This has included completing a new prototype for our client meeting as well as creating a pathfinding system to support the more automated portions of the game experience. We also worked on the database portion of the project including setting up a MySQL server and ensuring connectivity. Additionally, we started the initial design and implementation stages of the database itself as well as the connection between it and Unity via PHP. Development has also begun on a framework to
round-up gameplay statistics to be stored in the central database. On the modeling side, work has continued on polishingthevehiclemodelaswellasbegunongetting human models ready for texturing and animation. Finally, we have started consulting with our texture artist as we plan to theme the project more appropriately for our client’s goals.
Preparation for Half Presentations
We spent a fair bit of time this week preparing ourselves for the upcoming half presentations. With GDC and Spring Break preceding the occasion we figure it’s best to get the ball rolling now. After establishing what project components we would have done before the presentation, we assigned who is discussing what aspects of the project and we have started work on the presentation itself.