Our week has been jam-packed with finalizing pre-production materials and research!
With production (hopefully) right around the corner, this week TEAM FITYMI spent our time trying to make sure we are best prepared for shooting. Catherine, while also finalizing the team’s branding materials, met with Brian, who had drafted a new script, in order to create some rough storyboards. This helped the team begin to unify the vision of “Lovers Meet” by putting visuals, angles and basic movements on paper.

At the beginning of the week, Emily and Wenyu finished up a test render of a scene in Maya which represented roughly how the environment will look in our final animation.

Luo and Emily continued their testing and research with particle systems and effects in order to make the world and, specifically the “transition” of the story, (which is the most SFX heavy portion of the film) more dynamic. Emily researched particles in Maya while Luo began experimenting with Houdini.
As the week progressed, Wenyu created rough storyboards for the “transition”. He also created character concept art for Isaac, Art and Molly!

Next week, we are hoping to begin motion capture so we can move into production and begin rendering frames!